Welcome Summertime!

Ice tea with raspberries and mint

Lemonade with Thyme and lemon

An outdoor gathering is a wonderful way to entertain, it is a cause for rejoicing! Even if it is outside a kitchen, a terrace, deck or a hibachi, nothing is as inviting a party with an array of drinks and an atmosphere.

This season, my dream to travel to the Middle East had to be a created imaginary set in our yard. There is something colorful and delightful with the smell of the citrus and leaves in a warm summer day.

A 2020 summer time to be remembered as an education in itself. Learning about cultural values of Garcia Lorca’s poetry it is as easy as enjoying Beethoven 7th symphony or try painting which is the heart of a daily life.

Enlightenment, known and referred as the Age of Reason, a period when European philosophers emphasized the use of reason as the best method for learning the truth.

Voltaire, exploring law and politics is called for today.

Thank you George Gershwin for your title song “Summertime”

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